Angelinaqueena's Cuisina (food for thought)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Well, I never....

Have you ever heard somebody say, "Well, I never."? Never what? You never thought that thought, you never did something like that, etc.? Well, I'm here to tell you that "I never" did anything to deserve what Christ did for me. The older I get, the more thankful I am that I don't have to worry about my eternity. It's something that a lot of times I seem to take for granted, but just about everyday, something happens in my life that makes me step back and realize that I am precious to Him. No matter what others think, no matter what I may think. I am His. And to top that off "I never" did anything to make Him want to do anything for me. But you know what? He did anyway. What an awesome God we serve. I feel very inadequate in my life, but because of Him, I am more than a conqueror. I am victorious. I am redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. I am a friend of God. I am His child. Wow! He is everything to me. All my wants, my desires, my needs, they are all met in Him. And "I never" did a single thing to deserve any of it. But because He loves me. That's the only reason. He loves you too, blogger, whoever you may be who is reading this. Hallelujah! I just had to share this with you today. If no one reads it, then it was just for me, to remind me what kind of a God I serve.

Well, until we feast again,
Angelina ;)


At 1:10 AM, Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

I am just enjoying your blogging girl. It is uplifting and encouraging and a blessing. Have a blessed day! Booyah!


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