Angelinaqueena's Cuisina (food for thought)

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rainy days and Mondays

I'm sure that some of you don't remember the Carpenter's. I most certainly do. But probably only because my music teacher in the 5th and 6th grade made us memorize one of their albums. We had an entire packet of their songs. Once we memorized that bunch we had to memorize some Kenny Rodgers, Simon & Garfunkle, and some others I'm sure. Ok, enough of this. I don't want you to have to relive my past with me. I mentioned all that simply to bring to your memories (if you remember) the song the Carpenters sang called "Rainy Days and Mondays". Remember, they always get you down. Well, I can honestly say, that this was a rainy day, and a Monday. At least to start off the day. But in spite of that fact, I didn't let it get me down. Instead, "I'm on the Top of the World". (sorry, another Carpenter oldie, not necessarily a goodie).

Wow, I need to get off of this track. I'm simply trying to get to the point that I do not have bad days for the most part. I mean, we all have our days, I'm sure. But for me, unless something horrible has happened to my children, I'm having a pretty good day regardless of the circumstances. I certainly do not enjoy some of the blows that are thrown at me, but I make due with what I have to make it through. Do you know how? Huh? Can you take a guess? Well, it's this: "My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart!" Ps. 108:1. What a Word! I love my God. I love His Words to me. I love camping out in the Psalms and just finding the one that fits my day.

I have a trick for you. Are you having a rainy day and/or a Monday? Here's what you do...Every emotion ever known to man is in the Psalms. Go there and read them until you find one that fits your mood, your circumstance, your issue, whatever. Read it. No matter how the Psalm starts out, it always ends up in praise to God. I haven't read one yet that didn't. Isn't that wonderful. My God knew I'd need this wonderful book of songs to Him. They are probably the best medicine for "Rainy days and Mondays".

Until we feast again,

Angelina ;)


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