Angelinaqueena's Cuisina (food for thought)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Stressed out - WAY OUT!!

Sometimes there seems to be no end of stress. Stress! What is stress? Websters definition puts it this way: 1 : constraining force or influence: as a : a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part ; especially : the intensity of this mutual force commonly expressed in pounds per square inch b : the deformation caused in a body by such a force c : a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation d : a state resulting from a stress ; especially : one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium e : STRAIN , PRESSURE .

I feel very stressed and sometimes I just don't know what to do about it. My job is extremely demanding, but I enjoy it. But, it stresses me out! Working 50+ hours a week, having a husband and 3 boys, a house to run, church, school stuff, etc. and etc., I don't have time to be stressed out. So, I have a secret. When you read Psalm 84, check out verses 5 -7.(notice I said "when" you read. Not if you read, you should be reading your Bible daily, even hourly if you need it) What a beautiful passage. "What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem." This passage to me says "refreshing", "de-stress". How wonderful it is that our God has made a place of refreshing for us. A place to go where we can rejuvenate and become "de-stressed". A place to kick our feet up and just enjoy the Father and his beautiful calming, peaceful presence. Remember that there are several refreshing passages in the Psalms. Psalm 23 probably being the most popular. In this particular Psalm, verse 2 says that He makes us lie down in green pastures, He leads us beside peaceful streams. Vs. 3 goes on and says that He renews our strength. God knew before we needed it that it would be there for us. In fact, He is the one that leads us to that place of rest and peace. That place of shedding the stress and havoc in our lives and being at peace once again. How awesome.

I hope that you take some time to soak in the Word today and find that peace that everyone needs. Even if you feel at peace and no stressed out, go camp out there anyway. He wants us to be refreshed so that we can go refresh others and be a blessing to Him.

Until we feast again,
Angelina ;)


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