Angelinaqueena's Cuisina (food for thought)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Camp, Molly and Stuff

Last week, the hottest one of the summer as of yet, (until this week, that is), Kevin and I took 10 boys to camp. BOYS. 10 BOYS!! Yes, I was the only female in our group. (Thank you for your sympathy).

It was actually an awesome week. We saw one of our boys totally healed of asthma, 4 of them were filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time, and one was healed of a broken heart over the death of his mother 5 years ago. It really was an awesome week. Really hot, but thankfully all of the buildings are air conditioned. It's an awesome camp!!

Just an update on Molly (our Jack Russell): She is doing awesome. She's such a good little dog. She's got some puppy in her, obviously, but she's a really good dog for the reputation that they seem to have. She's not a yipper, not a jumper, not an overly hyper dog. She never barks at anything. We are slowly getting her to do the potty thing where she's supposed to. That's been a battle because the previous owner never took the time to train her. But she's getting there. She's such a cutie-patootie. (and to answer your question, Jessica, no you cannot breed her with a rat terrier, sorry. Although that might be a new breed of dog: The Jack-Rat Terrier. LOL)

Well, I must be off now. We have a family reunion to go to in an hour. Have to go get ready for that. I will post again at a later date. Hopefully sooner than this last one was.

Until we feast again,


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